onsdag, oktober 24, 2007
if you are an artist (or represent an artist) being featured on here and want me to take down a song - let me know and it will be removed from the blog immediately. welliwas16[at]hotmail dot com
- 100 limousines
- Diskoakademin
- Mind On The Run
- Oh,Baby I Like It Raw
- another night on earth
- infinitestatemachine
- innersounds
- Cosmic Disco
- dollar bin jams
- disco delivery
- diepslog
- robots in heat
- waxidermy
- 20jfg
- the red room
- time has told me
- tape
- dream chimney
- 24:hours
- arawa
- american athlete
- stephen hawkings
- deluxe presenterar
- cool in the pool
- synopsis electronica
- a monsieurwilly world
- social disco club
- nearest faraway place
- talking in stereo
- OOFT musik
- beat electric
- i spy diamonds
- art decade
- cosmic boogie
- best foot forward
- tropical hot dog night
- lovefingers
- bumrocks
Frustrerande. Lönen kom inte idag och jag som nu varit helt nikotinfri ett bra slag hanterade det hela med att köpa snus. Lika besviken varje gång när nikoskjutsen uteblir.
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